So this post is a shout out to me. Today is my one year anniversary of learning to run.
I say 'learning' because despite enjoying regular walking and swimming, when I started running a year ago I wasn't able to make it far without some unpleasant consequences! For me, learning to run has been a journey of goal setting, of not making excuses, of persevering, and of ignoring others' remarks. To reference the Nike slogan, running has been about "just doing it"... for myself.
I want to share this because although I can honestly say I don't particularly enjoy the physical act of running, I do appreciate the mental preparedness and emotional stability daily exercise gives me.
In terms of my role as an Associate Principal, running provides me with time to plan, to prioritise tasks, to problem-solve or to think through potentially difficult conversations. And sometimes running just gives me time out, time to think about nothing at all, to clear my head of all the leadership challenges I have recently dealt with. But most of all, running helps me view life through a positive lens, to see the strengths in others, to recognise the potential in new ideas and to find the silver linings. Sure, I still have my tough days, even my tough weeks ... but now I have a strategy to help me work through whatever unexpected situations come my way.
So now I start each morning with either a 40 minute run or a walk (I alternate each day). This means getting out of bed early and braving the sometimes chilly, sometimes humid weather but it is worth it.
For anyone interested, I recommend the free iPhone app Couch to 5km. This app takes a beginner (getting off the couch!) to 5 kms (30 minutes) of running over 8 weeks. It starts with intervals of 60 seconds jogging / 90 seconds walking three times per week which is very achievable.
Why not give it a try?
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