Thursday, August 13, 2015

Tech Talk: Students share their digital learning with parents

Last night the Year 5 and 6 Tech Wizards held a Tech Talk evening where they shared their digital learning with parents and teachers.

The purpose of the evening was for students to demonstrate the benefits of digital technology and how this helps them learn in the classroom by sharing their learnings and skills. More than 30 parents and teachers attended. It was great to see adults asking questions about the different programs and having a go at using them. It was also fantastic to hear the children confidently explaining the features and benefits of their chosen topic.

24 students worked individually, in pairs or in groups of 3. Their topics included Google apps, Movemote, Scratch and the Tech Wizards programme. The evening was run 'speed dating' style with two rotations of 7 topics, each held for 7-8 minutes.

Some students had previously spoken at the Burnside Cluster Learning Community Unconference and confidently presenting these talks. For others it was the first time they had shared 1-to-1 with adults so they had spent the last three weeks writing scripts, preparing examples and practising the delivery of their presentations at Tech Wizard time on Friday mornings. Some were a little nervous at first but the students soon relaxed and enjoyed the experience!